We'd like to keep everyone informed of events happening relevant to the field of cymatics. If you are aware of upcoming events in which our community would be interested, please reach out to us to add to the list!
August 9-12, 2003
7th Annual International MysTech Conference
Wilton, NH
September 29, 2016
Story, Song, and... CYMATICS?
Sante Fe, NM
June 9 and 11, 2016
Cymatics: A Scientific Approach to Sound Healing
Encinitas, CA
November 5-8, 2015
10th International Cymatics Conference
Atlanta, GA
September 29, 2015
Cymatics: Insights Into The Formative Forces of Sound
Sante Fe, NM
January 28-March 5, 2015
How Sound Heals: An Introduction To Sound Therapy
October 31-November 4, 2014
The First World Cymatics Conress
Allerheiligen, Germany
June 22, 2014
Cymatics: Insights into the Invisible World of Sound
North Andover, Massachusetts
February 4-5 2014
Moved by Sound
San Diego and Santa Monia, CA